Food Choices Matter.

Before my marriage, I had a bit of a reputation among roommates for my lame food choices. I'm pretty sure I lived on a steady diet of pretzles, and only pretzles, for the better part of two years. Then I had my Pasta Roni fling, which ended only when I discovered how sick they tasted... unfortunately leaving dozens of boxes unused. When I met Scott, we started really cooking together and dined on our routine dinner (beginning at 8:30 or later, when we were both finally done on campus) of seven-layer dip. Clearly, I have a rich legacy of culinary skill. Knowing my shortcomings, what I lacked for in the cooking department, I made up for in flirtation -- and thankfully, it worked.

Since then my knowledge has been stretched in more ways than you can imagine: Most of my dinners have multiple dishes. People occasionally ask me for my recipes. But my most important accomplishment, at least to myself, is that my meals are healthy. They taste pretty good going down, but they also keep the body in good repair. And I even make my own bread (fresh ground, 100% whole wheat!)

It's been a process of learning, and frankly, most of what I've learned has been brought about by necessity -- Betsy was no oops! baby, not by a long shot. Things seemed pretty hopeless for us, and I gave in to fear quite often. In addition to my routine pity-parties, I decided to follow some diet-change recommendations. They weren't small, and they weren't easy. But she's here, and I attribute that to the significant power healthy food wields in our bodies. Check out the link. This show comes out on DVD next month, and I'll be watching it as soon as I can. You should, too.


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